Sunday, February 13, 2011

Relief workers food processor method Festival Syndrome

 Network】 【HC food industry in modern life, when we are enjoying all the computer has brought us convenience, a variety of health problems follow. In order to reduce long-term use computers all the damage caused to health, reasonable diet, nutritional supplements in time to refresh their diet menus, has become the computer users had to hold back the

save eyes: carrots, spinach

for a long time looking at the computer screen, the retina of the photosensitive material rhodopsin mass consumption accelerated, if the failure to supplement their vitamin A and related synthetic nutrients can cause decreased visual acuity, eye pain, photophobia, and decreased dark adaptation and so on. So brain to eat more food

eyesight vitamin A and β-carotene can help Bugan eyesight, relieve eye fatigue. Vitamin A variety of animals, mainly in the liver, cod liver oil, egg yolk, plant foods can provide vitamin A of the original. mainly β-carotene in carrots, tomatoes, spinach and other vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin C is also very beneficial to the eyes. Vitamin C content of the eyes in the blood several times higher than that. With age, vitamin C content decreased, lens malnutrition, the passage of time can cause degeneration of the lens. So to eat vitamin C-rich vegetables and fruit.

Carrots are rich in sucrose, glucose, starch, of which the most vitamin A content of the original, similar to its role and cod liver oil. In addition, carrots are rich in carotene, can maintain the health of the eyes and skin.

Spinach contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, riboflavin, etc., it is not only a high nutritional value of vegetables, but also eye share.

other eyesight food: tomatoes, leeks, wolfberry fruit, green peppers, apricots, dates, sweet potatoes.

other way: moving

green wash to save eyesight of bone: a high calcium food

high-speed computer operations, a single, duplicate features, a long period of forced position (referring to a part of the body's position in the non-natural state), easily leading to the waist, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist and other musculoskeletal disorders .

computer on the skin to reduce bone damage, the best approach is to use the computer for some time got only a few minutes. In the diet, high in calcium to eat, good food bones.

milk is not only high in calcium, and lactic acid which can promote calcium absorption, is the best natural source of calcium. In addition, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products is also high in calcium should be regularly consumed.

Hemmi nutritious, rich in calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements, protein content is also high. Dried shrimps and other seafood are good sources of calcium.

rape and the therapeutic value of nutrient content of vegetables can be regarded as the leader. The calcium and iron content is very rich, eat the blood of rape have clear blood pressure, strong bones, the role of detoxification.

black sesame seeds are good sources of calcium, the calcium supplements, health and many times better than white sesame seeds. People who do not drink milk, you can eat three key black sesame seeds instead. In addition, sesame calcium is also high.

soy is high in protein foods, high calcium, and rich in lysine and easily absorbed by the iron. Other soy products are also calcium yield, 150 grams of tofu up to 500 mg of calcium.

other bone health foods: broccoli, celery, seaweed.

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